NTPC Family

03-09-2022 | read

Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated at NTECL Township, as family event, by Vallur Vrindavanam Temple Association for three long days witnessing the presence of CEO NTECL Sh. Sanjay Kumar Singh, GM(O&M) Sh. Rajeev Khanna, all GMs and seniors officials, employees their family members and associates.  

Pgm was held as follows,

31.08.2022 - Pooja was performed by CEO NTECL & senior officials followed by Prasad distribution. 

01.09.2022 - Cultural performances by local talents of NTECL saw variety of dances and songs on Lord Ganesha. Bharatanatyam performance by students of Abhinaya Natya Kalai Koodam Ponneri displayed various emotions of dance like anger, happiness, devotion and captivated the audience. Interesting games were conducted to keep the curious children in the audience engaged. Programme ended with Mahaprasad distribution.

02.09.2022 - Nimmanjanam rituals were conducted headed by CEO NTECL with active participation by township residents.

Overall it was a memorable holy pgm enjoyed by NTECL as a family.